Lo que se interpreta por convenciones sociales como locura es la desviación de la norma, por culpa de un desequilibrio mental, por el cual un hombre o una mujer padece de delirios enfermizos, impropios del funcionamiento normal de la razón, que se identifican por la realización de actos extraños

~ Loca? Yo? Pfffff ~

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jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009

Back to the street where we began, Feeling as good as lovers can, you know, Now we're feeling so good. Picking up things we shouldn't read, Looks like the end of history as we know, It's just the end of the world.
Back to the street where we began
Feeling as good as love, you could, you can. Into a place, where thoughts can bloom, Into a room where it's nine in the afternoon , And we know that it could be, And we know that it should, And you know that you feel it too, 'Cause it's nine in the afternoon. And your eyes are the size of the moon, You could 'cause you can so you do, We're feeling so good, Just the way that we do When it's nine in the afternoon

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